Do You Recognize The Following?

  1. Customer Experience may be a (strategic) theme in the organization, but what exactly does it mean to us?
  2. We are looking for a fun workshop about customer experience for our team
  3. Who has the experience to guide us through the roll-out of our CX strategy?
  4. How can we make employees think in a fun way about what they can do themselves to do better for the customer
  5. Our customers do not get sufficient priority on the agenda during Team, Management and Board meetings.
  6. How do we bring our new customer strategy to life in a fun interactive way?
  7. We have collected sufficient customer feedback; how do we convert this to ACTION?

Do you recognize these issues? And you don’t have a clue how to handle them in an active and fun way? The answer is simple: go play the CX Game!

Time to play The Customer Experience Game!

The Customer Experience Game is an (online) board game that helps your employees to raise awareness about customer experience. This game not only gives you fun, but more importantly it answers difficult Customer Experience questions. The Game puts you straight into action. You inspire each other and learn in a fun way how you as an employee and as a team can give customers a better customer experience.

A trained facilitator supervise the Game so that Customer Experience really comes alive in you’re the minds of your employees. Participants will answer questions and carry out assignments within limited time. In this way you will give the customer a voice in your (management) team and create a call to action. You will get to know each other and each other’s customer experiences better. You discover where you are already delivering and what your next step should be to work together for a better and distinctive customer experience. Playing a game together. It’s fun and immediately creates a mutual bond.

This is the ONLY management game that is about YOUR customers and offers a follow-up! In doing so, you will not only reflect on a nice afternoon, but you put the theories you have learned into practice.

Versions Of The Customer Experience Game

Play the Game

Do you have a team meeting, meeting or event:  ideal to play the Game!. You play the Game in teams against each other, battle through questions and assignments, where one team wins. You gather insights, ideas and inspiration to take the next step in improving the customer experience. In addition, the CX Game is fun and creates a mutual bond.

The game takes 2 to 3 hours, but is over before you know it. The Game is supervised by trained CX professionals. In the preparation we listen to your goals and tailor the questions and assignments to your business situation. So your participants really relate to the topic during the game.

In just a few hours you can all sit around the table (or play the CX Game online) and increase your customer experience awareness. You can show and teach employees what they can do to give customers a better experience. A win-win situation!

Train the Trainer

Do you want to bring customer experience to life in your organisation? Are you looking for a proven method that engages your employees and drives them into action? Then learn how to play The Customer Experience Game. The Game provides you with a tool to activate employees and initiate change within your company in a fun way. Add the Game to your company’s change toolkit.

To start, we explore the business situation together, to learn about your customers, goals and challenges. We tailor your own (online) CX Game program and facilitate a train-the-trainer for your (employees).

This way you can use the CX Game at any time, especially when it is necessary to put the customer on the agenda. Think of delivering your customer promises, in the connection with Agile or Lean, onboarding of employees or the introduction of a new customer (contact) strategy or a culture program.

Participants About The Customer Experience Game

The Founders And Facilitators


Babs Asselbergs

Customer Experience Expert & Creative Changemaker

About Babs and Nienke

Our mission is to make the world a better place for customers and employees alike.

Babs brings customer experience alive and activates employees and teams to give a better experience to their customer while bringing more fun into their own jobs.

Nienke believes in activation people through a pragmatic approach; that's why her motto is 'Making Customer Experience Work'.


Nienke Bloem

Customer Experience Education & Keynote Speaker

Our Partners


Douwe Deinum

CX en CRM specialist @ CRM excellence BV

Erna Paas

CX en CRM specialist @ CRM excellence BV

Rebecca Wilson

Director of Human Experience @ Sprout Australia

Gaby Remmers

Expert Customer Experience @ BuroCactus

Nils Schmeling

Founder & Managing Partner @ NECXT

Karolien van der Ouderaa

Customer Excellence Practice lead @ Kirkman Company

Els Dhaeze

Customer Excellence Architect @ PITopia

Ian Golding

Global Customer Experience Specialist and CCXP

The Customer Experience Game is the result of a cooperation between Nienke Bloem and Babs Asselbergs, owners of BlommaBerg - The Game Company. For more information about the game, please contact us via one of the options below, or fill out the contact form.

Phone Numbers

Babs Asselbergs: 06-17443249

Nienke Bloem: 06-22216210

Email address