Babs has triggered us all with the CX Games, in all different departments of our company, and she has managed to get us to view our customers better or differently, and to feel the urgency to do something about this. As a result, we have seen some great initiatives. We all feel activated, and we know what we want to (and have to) focus on to further fulfil our mission to Add a smile to life.

Else Moeskops – CX Manager Fatboy


Fatboy’s mission is: “Add a smile to life”. How can we bring that mission to life so that we can really improve our customers’ experience? Else Moeskops and Caroline Bogaard asked us to guide them in this matter. We came up with the Customer Festival:



The set-up

Nienke’s keynote titled “Spice up your CX” kickstarted the Festival. The goal of the keynote was to get all employees on the same page and to get commitment with regards to customer experience. The most important message in this keynote was:


  • Listen carefully to your customers and get started with your insights
  • As a brand, be authentic in everything you do
  • Always deliver on the important moments during the customer journey
  • Make sure employees are prepared to take up their role towards their customers


After the keynote, we played five CX Games, four in the office and one online. All employees were invited.


Following this, all insights and ideas from the Games were compiled and presented to the MT. During the Games it was clear that the employees were very enthusiastic and really keen to be involved in the outcome and advice. This triggered the idea of an employee arena. Employees in the middle, surrounded by the MT.


The results

The employees enjoyed the sessions; they were great fun, and a lot of insights were shared. They thought it particularly valuable to talk to colleagues from different teams about customer experience. In order to add that smile to their customers’ life, they started working on ideas in a creative way.

These are some important insights, linked to the 3 themes of The CX Game:


  • Voice of the Customer: Listen carefully to customers, visit them in their own environment, regardless of what type of customer they are, BTC or BTB. Take action based on their feedback. Customers are valuable partners.
  • Brand Delivery in the Customer Journey: Create a clear definition for customer focus, establish the moments of truth, and pay attention to these consistently.
  • Employee Ambassadorship: Learn from each other, cooperate with other teams more frequently, share customer stories and celebrate successes, even when small.


The results were shared and discussed at the Employee Arena. This proved to be a valuable method where employees got the chance to share their thoughts and stories. The MT listened and asked questions.


Following each Game workshop, the participants wrote down their personal insight and action on a postcard. A couple of weeks later, these were handed out so that discussions about this theme and the outcome could be restarted.  Among colleagues, but also within the teams.


The next steps

Following the Employee Arena, all ideas were listed and worked out. In cooperation with the MT, choices were made, and owners nominated. The resulting action plan also pays attention to internal communications, and to the milestones when successes are celebrated. To ensure everyone in the organization keeps their commitment, updates are shared during monthly employee meetings, and milestones are celebrated together.


Our experience

This project was a fantastic experience, working with really lovely and enthusiastic people. It was amazing to work in such a welcoming and inspiring office environment.  We are really proud that so many employees participated. On top of this, the employees are now really motivated to get started with all the ideas together.


We have learned that we need to start making videos of the cake exercise. The stories shared during this exercise are so beautiful, they need to be accessible for later. Time management was a key factor during the Employee Arena, it always takes longer than expected. We are definitely going to use his method again.


Are you curious about that cake exercise and would you like to know what the CX Game could mean for your organization? Contact Babs! She would love to tell you more about it. Please also ask Else or Caroline about their experiences.


Babs Asselbergs brings customer experience to life and incites teams to get better results together, for their clients and for themselves. Babs and Nienke Bloem are founders of the CX Game, one of the creative working practices Babs engages to get started with teams and customer experience.